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//-->100ECO F% RRIEEC Y CN DLEDLY PMAGROAZINDUCE PATGESTHE UK'SBEST SELLINGTATTOO MAGAZINEWIN!TICKETSTATTOO MAGAZINEFREE INSIDECLAIREJACKSONOLLIE TYERICHARDGUYJOHNNYDOMUSSets Fire ToThe WorldUK Art From:SKIN SHOTSSUPPLEMENTRetro Modern Art:FlashbackTATTOOBIBLE 3EXCLUSIVE!SAILOR JERRYGOES (IGGY) POPPreviewTATTLIGHTSSUTHERLANDMACGone, but not forgottenNON STOPTATTOOSMODEL:LINNEA THOMASIAPHOTOGRAPH:SCOTT COLEISSUE 245 • JANUARY 2015 • £3.95Nicky ConnerHTHE EMPEROR’S OLD CLOTHEScompany she representedwas, she had mentioned “DeepSkin” many, many times. Somany times in fact that evenI began to doubt the name ofour own magazine. Perhaps Ishould have corrected her butI wanted to see how far the liewould go and exactly how bigthe hole could get before shefell in. There was even a pointat which I mentioned thecorrect name of the magazinebut it fell on deaf ears becausein the very next breath, thereit was again. “Deep Skin”.Swearing blind that they werethe purveyor of one of onlythree of these things in thecountry, when I could name atleast twelve without thinkingabout it, was the last straw.I let her carry on digginga hole because I foundit amusing to do so - itreminded me of the time Imade up a band that didn’texist to A: impress a girl (notvery successful) and B: to seeif I could get into the papers(shockingly successful) andsome months later, sure asI also guess, if the personyou’re telling all of this tois kind of heart and hasn’tbeen up all night with a dogwho is afraid of fireworks,you might get a differentanswer, but the fact remains:in some businesses, youcan’t simply blag your way inbecause you’ll be found out.You’ll be found out if youtell the world you’re a multi-award winning artist andyou’re not. You’ll be foundout if you’re hunting for anapprenticeship and announcethat you draw every nightbut there are only six itemsin your portfolio. Tattooingis an art form in which it’sextremely hard to hide anyshort-comings you might have.And that my dearfriends, is exactly whatmakes everything aboutit so damn great.ow do I beginto tell this storywithout beingmean to the personinvolved? Maybe I can’t.Maybe I shouldn’t care.Let’s see how much I cannavigate of it before I needto drop the curtain.A few weeks back, I gota phone call from a publicrelations consultant who hadbeen employed to promotea certain product that wastattoo related - I’ll just leave itright there at the moment andsee how we get along with it.There was much talkabout giving away lots of‘things’ associated with thisproduct in exchange forsome news coverage in themagazine. That’s not reallyhow things work around here- news is news is news andthere’s no bartering systemattached, but I’m always earswide open if I think there’ssomething in it for you guys.It was kind of going well forher up until the point that shecalled the magazine “DeepSkin” and told me - more thanonce - how she had read itfor years. More than likely, Ifrowned at the first mentionof this new magazine and letit roll, but by the end of the(very one sided) conversationabout exactly how great theSHE HAD MENTIONED “DEEP SKIN”MANY, MANY TIMES. SO MANY TIMES INFACT THAT EVEN I BEGAN TO DOUBTTHE NAME OF OUR OWN MAGAZINEI don’t know about deep, buta thick skin is somethingyou definitely develop fastworking around here.There came a point inthis conversation where Iquestioned why she wanted togive so much away and maybeshe should go back and askthe client if that’s really whatthe company wanted to do.No - it would be fine - theclient had left the wholepromotional idea up to herand they would be fine with it.The more she talked, the moreinformation started to surfacethat was just plain wrong.eggs is eggs, a guy I met in abar told me that he had beenat our first gig - and even wentto the extent of telling methe things I had said. Whichwas weird. Really it was.Anyway, I didn’t hearfrom her again after that.Maybe somebody correctedher and she was too red-faced to call me back. Thereshould probably be a pointto this story but I can’tthink what it might be.I guess sometimes peoplewant to be on the inside ofsomething so badly, they willsay anything to get there and@mrsionsmithSkin Deep MagazineIssue 245THE NEEDLE HAS LANDEDEDITORIAL03THE USUALSUSPECTS08SLEEVE NOTES18BEHIND CLOSED DOORS93CLASSIFIEDS95THE TIME MACHINE97CRAIGY LEE: SOAPBOX98AN EYE IS UPON YOUWClothing’s 2014 FlashCollection…JOHNNY DOMUSFrom graffiti andstreet art to photorealism and tarot -the work of JohnnyDomus Mesquitahas many differentfacets… all of thembeautiful.P2834getting their tattoosout to help otherpeople out? Why isthere not more of thisin the world?THE COVERGIRL: LINNEAThis issue, we tooka little road tripto Copenhagen(simply because it’sCopenhagen) andspent some time withthe wonderful LinneaThomasia. Whorocks. Very hard…IGGY POP GOESSAILOR JERRYIggy Pop has beenmaking music forover four decadesand has inarguablybeen dubbed theGodfather of Punk.Actor, painter, model,style icon and, mostrecently, designerof Sailor Jerry58CALENDAR GUYSBunch of blokesRICHARD GUYBlack and grey canbe a cruel mistress ifyou let her get awaywith it. It’s namesuggests a certainsimplicity but as allof you will (hopefully)know, it’s one of themot complex stylesto get right. EnterRichard Guy andhis many shades ofblack…OUT:TH’S PULLTHIS MONPLERSHOTS SAMSKIN14IGGY POP GOESSAILOR JERRYROCK ICON MEETS TATTOO ICON22but landing a goodone with a decentartist is a muchharder task to pulloff. Care for a firsthand story?LIGHT MOVESLooking forsomething a littledifferent to give yourstudio a shot in thearm? We may havestumbled across justthe thing.P7664FLASHBACK:SUTHERLAND MACIf an Englishmanwanted a tattoodone professionallybefore the 1880s he’dprobably have hadto travel abroad. Oneman - SutherlandMacDonald - changedthat forever.CLAIRE JACKSONThese days, landing atattoo apprenticeshipcan be relatively easy,2876LIGHT MOVESYOU WILL WANT ONE...82OLLIE TYETattoo artists todayare influenced bywonderful things. ForBromsgrove’s OllieTye, it was a love ofmonsters that firstgot him going.701 Marcher Court, Sealand Road, Chester CH1 6BS Tel: 01244 881888 Fax: 01244 646016www.jazzpublishing.co.uk info@jazzpublishing.co.ukEDITORSion Smitheditor@skindeep.co.ukACCOUNTS & ADMIN MANAGEREmma McCrindleaccounts@jazzpublishing.co.ukMAGAZINE ADVERTISINGMANAGERMark McCarthymark@jazzpublishing.co.ukEVENTS MANAGERShelley Bondshelley@jazzevents.co.ukDIGITAL CONTENTGareth Williamsgareth.williams@jazzpublishing.co.uk07841 999334ART EDITORGareth Evansgareth@jazzpublishing.co.uk01244 881888 ext. 207ADMINISTRATIONJan Schofieldjan@jazzpublishing.co.uk01244 881895 ext. 303EVENTS CO-ORDINATORSWendy Markswendy@jazzevents.co.uk01244 881888 ext. 302PUBLISHERDavid Gambledavid@jazzpublishing.co.uk01244 881888 ext. 304SKIN DEEP SALES EXECUTIVEDee Lewisadvertising@skindeep.co.uk88many weird andTATTOO BIBLE 3PREVIEWA look behind the newbookazine - completewith manifesto forthe future?ISSN 0966-4351Can’t find Skin Deep magazinein your newsagent?Please contact ourdistribution company for yournearest outlet 0207 429 407301244 881888 ext. 204PRODUCTION EDITORFergus McShanefergus@jazzpublishing.co.uk01244 881888 ext. 219Asher Lloydasher.lloyd@jazzpublishing.co.uk01244 881888 ext. 214SUBSCRIPTIONS & BACK ISSUESKaty Cuffinmagazines@jazzpublishing.co.uk01244 881895 ext. 305Sarah Shawcrosssarah@jazzevents.co.uk01244 881888MANAGING DIRECTORStuart Mearsstuart@jazzpublishing.co.uk01244 881888 ext. 275CREDIT CONTROLPam Colemanpam@jazzpublishing.co.uk01244 881895 ext. 239WEB MANAGERDavid Arthurdavid.arthur@jazzpublishing.co.uk01244 881888DISTRIBUTIONSusan Saunderssusan.saunders@seymour.co.ukPRODUCTION MANAGERJustine Hartproduction@skindeep.co.uk01244 881888 ext. 50101244 881888 ext. 21501244 881888 ext. 20801244 881888 ext. 2350207 429 4073Printed byWarners01778 395111The views expressed in this magazine by the contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. All articles are written in good faith and are based on information provided by owners. Whilst every effort has been made to ensurethe accuracy of all material, the contributors, magazine and the publishers cannot accept liability for loss resulting from error, mis-statement, inaccuracy, or omission contained herein. Reproduction of any matter printed or depictedin Skin Deep magazine is prohibited without prior permission. Some words, names, and designations are trademarked and are the property of the trademark holder and have only been used for identification purposes only.Skin Deep MagazineIssue 245CONTENTSSKIN DEEP MAGAZINE05 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |