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july ‘10 ISSuE 186 • £3.95 read er pr OfIleS Goldilocks anD The BanK roBBer Mick Squires Korpus TaTToos Xed Lehead & Mad Alan Divine Canvas Jeff Ortega evil From The neeDle Tommi no regreTs w n Ink & Iron Birmingham San Jose usa we hig hli ght so me of the gif ted www.jazzpublishing.co.uk art ist s w or kin g t att oo jam 20 10 07 9 770966 435048 REGULARS: Fall out ‘news & reviews’ | inkoming | Tattoo Tour | Conventions | personals | Jobs | For sale Please mention Skin Deep when responding to adverts. GEnEral EnquIrIES Jazz Publishing, The Old School, Higher Kinnerton, Chester, CH4 9AJ, UK. 01244 663400 Fax: 01244 660611 email: info@jazzpublishing.co.uk of some considerable value with cash, the vendor seemed genuinely surprised that I got a bundle of notes out of my pocket. ‘You can pay by credit card if you like?” was his response. This got me thinking that cash is very nearly a thing of the past. These days you can get a ‘One touch’ card for payments of under ten pounds, but I enjoy paying for good with cash and I don’t know about you but I will be sad to see the possible demise of our coinage. I must confess though, I use my debit card for nearly everything – except tattoos. Tattooing is one of the last bastions of cash payments. Recently I was stood in the witness box in a crown court to give a character witness statement for a good friend of mine, who happens to be a tattooist. My job was to explain to the legal profession that tattooing is an age-old profession that deserves a modicum of respect and also that tattooing is mainly a cash-based industry. There was a certain amount of satisfaction to be had watching the shock register on the judge’s faces as I ran through some facts about hourly rates, waiting lists and the number of people that wear tattoos these days. This was topped off as copies of Skin Deep that were passed around the courtroom and even the judge admitted that he was impressed with the quality of work showcased in the magazines and mentioned that there was a huge diversity of styles and designs. You could almost hear the defence and prosecuting lawyers’ jaws lop open when I gave them sales igures of just how many magazines Skin Deep sells each month. I could almost hear the words of; ”how can these unsightly people with their weird interests generate such a following?” going through their heads. Almost instantly, I could feel them looking at myself and the other witnesses, that were also tattooed, with something akin to (all be it a little) respect. To be honest, I felt quite proud that I had the opportunity to make a certain part of society sit up and think and hopefully look at tattoos and tattooed folk in a slightly better light. Considering that lawyers must see many, many ‘seedy’ types pass by them everyday, many sporting tattoos; so to slightly remove, or at least smudge the edges of the stigma, was quite a good feeling. The whole incident made me think long and hard. Part of the “evidence” that the individual was guilty was because said individual had a lot of cash in his studio safe. Yep, cash... The powers that be (the local constabulary) took it upon themselves that because this person had cash in the safe that is backed up the allegation of crime, so the cash was seized under the Proceeds Of Crime Act 2002 (POCA). www. skindeep .co.uk EdItor Neil Dalleywater email: editor@skindeep.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 212 art EdItor Gareth Evans email: gareth@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 204 productIon manaGEr Justine Hart email: production@skindeep.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 235 accountS & admIn manaGEr Emma McCrindle email: accounts@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 207 admInIStratIon Jan Schoield email: jan@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 219 Katie-Marie Challinor email: katie@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 Ext. 220 crEdIt control Pam Coleman email: pam@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 215 COvER MODEL jESSIE dEvIllE PHOTOgRAPHER kEIth SEllE www.keithselle.com TATTOOS varIouS CONTENTS PHOTOgRAPHy max dolbErG advErtISInG & EvEntS manaGEr Shelley Curry email: shelley.curry@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 303 advErtISInG EnquIrIES Dee Skinner email: advertising@skindeep.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 301 EvEntS co-ordInator Wendy Marks email: wendy.marks@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 305 cIrculatIon & promotIonS Katy Cufin email: katy@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 Ext. 237 SubScrIptIonS & back ISSuES email: magazines@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01778 392086 publIShEr David Gamble email: david@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 manaGInG dIrEctor Stuart Mears email: stuart@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 contrIbutorS Max Dolberg, Steve Kelly, Tony Jones, Charlotte Langley Ashley, Gavin Rodrigues, Hannah Smith, Dave Williams prIntInG Warners Midlands plc dIStrIbutIon Susan Saunders email: susan.saunders@seymour.co.uk Telephone: 0207 429 4073 ISSN 0966-4351 Having trouble inding Skin Deep magazine in your newsagent? Please contact our distribution company for your nearest outlet 0207 429 4073. All letters sent to Skin Deep will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and as such are subject to edit and comment editorially. Please ensure that all photos and slides have credits attached. Please send copies not originals as we can no longer return any unsolicited photographs. No responsibility can be assumed for unsolicited materials. The views expressed in this magazine by the contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. While every effort is made in compiling Skin Deep, the publishers cannot be held responsible for any effects therefrom. Reproduction of any matter contained in Skin Deep is prohibited without prior permission. Adverts and advertisers appearing in SKIN DEEP or SKIN SHOTS INTERNATIONAL Magazines carry no implied recommendation from the magazines or from the publishers. R ecently, whilst trying to purchase goods Now the individual involved was not found guilty of a crime that would give them an income, but the cash, as I am writing this, is still being held by the powers that be as they seem reluctant to give the person their money back that they had earned – quite legitimately – by working their arse off tattooing non-stop for a years and saving for a forthcoming tax bill. So I ask myself is it now a crime to have cash? There are still many folk that do not trust the banking system (and judging by recent events, I don’t blame anyone for having doubts with the banks) so what do those in the cash industry that tattooing is do? Do tattooists go back to the barter system and charge say, a small goat for a colour sleeve or a bag of turnips for a back piece? It might work... At about the same time I heard that cash payments had fallen by 14 percent in the decade ending in 2009. Predictions are that cash payments are set to drop even further. All these recent events bring to mind a great quote from the great Cash Cooper – an old time UK tattooist – “In God we Trust – All the rest pay Cash!” Enjoy! ISSUE 186 rEGularS 06 .......... FALLOUT News & Products 27 .......... INK SPOT Cartoon Capers 80 .......... TATTOO TOUR Personals and Jobs offered/wanted Page 16 TOMMI convEntIonS 10 .......... ESSEx Dermal delights ‘Darn sarf’ 22 .......... SAN JOSE The West Coast of America shows off its skin art 56 .......... INK & IRON A warm and sunny welcome back to an old tattoo convention friend Page 28 MICK SQUIRES artISt IntErvIEWS 16 .......... TOMMI A relative newcomer to the industry, Polish perfectionist 28 .......... MICK SqUIRES 60 .......... JEFF ORGTEGA Evil from The Needle evangelist Jeff in tattooing 72 .......... xED LEHEAD & MAD ALAN Welcome to London’s newest studio, Devine Canvas, which plays host to the geometric god, Xed Lehead and is the lair of Mad Alan... rEadEr profIlES 52 .......... GOLDILOCKS ‘My boyfriend was a bank robber, but he never hurt nobody’... SpEcIal fEaturES A thought-provoking article on a delicate Page 52 gOLDILOCKS and often misunderstood subject. frEE SupplEmEnt TATTOO JAM - TATTOO TITANS Just a small taster of the incredible artists due to work Tattoo Jam in Doncaster. Ever had problems inding a copy of Skin Deep on the newsstand or missed an issue forgetting the on sale date? Page 60 JEff ORTEgA visit www.skindeep.co.uk/justask to download our newsagent reservation form. Take the completed form, or a copy of it, to your local newsagent who will reserve your copy of Skin Deep. Some newsagents even offer a home delivery making it even easier to ensure you don’t miss an issue. go Online Today and Join The Coolest Tattoo forum Around. . . www.skindeep.co.uk/forums [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |