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The Stone of the Philosophers by Sir Edward Kelly This tractat is attributed to Sir Edward Kelly and is printed in Tractatus duo egregii, de Lapide Philosophorum, una cum Theatro astronomiæ terrestri, cum Figuris, in gratiam filiorum Hermetis nunc primum in lucem editi, curante J. L.M.C. [Johanne Lange Medicin Candidato], Hamburg, 1676. This short tractat has been transformed into .pdf using Adobe Acrobat 5.0 by Caput Mortuum for the Ayin Quadma'ah Movement. "Insignia Naturae Ratio Illustrat" Sir Edward Kelly - The Stone of the Philosphers T hough I have already twice suffered chains and imprisonment in Bohemia, an indignity which has been offered to me in no other part of the world, yet my mind, remaining unbound, has all this time exercised itself in the study of that philosophy which is despised only by the wicked and foolish, but is praised and admired by the wise. Nay, the saying that none but fools and lawyers hate and despise Alchemy has passed into a proverb. Furthermore, as during the preceding three years I have used great labour, expense, and care in order to discover for your Majesty that which might afford you much profit and pleasure, so during my imprisonment - a calamity which has befallen me through the action of your Majesty - I am utterly incapable of remaining idle. Hence I have written a treatise, by means of which your imperial mind may be guided into all the truth of the more ancient philosophy, whence, as from a lofty eminence, it may contemplate and distinguish the fertile tracts from the barren and stony wilderness. But if my teaching displease you, know that you are still altogether wandering astray from the true scope and aim of this matter, and are utterly wasting your money, time, labour, and hope. A familiar acquaintance with the different branches of knowledge has taught me this one thing, that nothing is more ancient, excellent, or more desirable than truth, and whoever neglects it must pass his whole life in the shade. Nevertheless, it always was, and always will be, the way of mankind to release Barabbas and to crucify Christ. This I have - for my good, no doubt - experienced in my own case. I venture to hope, however, that my life and character will so become known to posterity that I may be counted among those who have suffered much for the sake of truth. The full certainty of the present treatise time is powerless to abrogate. If your Majesty will deign to peruse it at your leisure, you will easily perceive that my mind is profoundly versed in this study. (1) All genuine and judicious philosophers have traced back things to their first principles, that is to say, those comprehended in the threefold division of Nature. The generation of animals they have attributed to a mingling of the male and female in sexual union; that of vegetables to their own proper seed; while as the principle of minerals they have assigned earth and viscous water. (2) All specific and individual things which fall under a certain class, obey the general laws and are referable to the first principles of the class to which they belong. (3) Thus, every animal is the product of sexual union; every plant, of its proper seed; every mineral, of the mixture of its generic earth and water. (4) Hence, an unchangeable law of Nature regulates the generation of everything within the limits of its own particular genus. (5) It follows that, with reference to their origin, animals are generically distinct from vegetables and minerals; the same difference exists respectively between vegetables and minerals and the two other natural kingdoms. (6) The common and universal matter of these three principles is called Chaos. (7) Chaos contains within itself the four elements of all that is, viz., fire, air, water, and earth, by the mixture and motion of which the forms of all earthly things are impressed upon their subjects. (8) These elements have four qualities: heat, coldness, humidity, dryness. The first inheres in fire, the second in water, the third in air, the fourth in earth. (9) By means of these qualities, the elements act upon each other, and motion takes place. (10) Elements either act upon each other, or are acted on, and are called either active or passive. (11) Active elements are those which, in a compound, impress upon the passive a certain specific character, according to the strength and extent of their motion. These are water and fire. (12) The passive elements - earth and air - are those which by their inactive qualities readily receive the impressions of the aforesaid active elements. (13) The four elements are distinguished, not only by their activity and passivity, but also by the priority and posteriority of their motions. (14) Priority and posteriority are here predicated either with references to the position of the whole sphere, or the importance of the result or aim of the motion. (15) In space, heavy objects tend downwards, and light objects upwards; those which are neither light nor heavy hold an intermediate position. (16) In this way, even among the passive elements, earth holds a higher place than air, because it delights more in rest; for the less motion, the more passivity. (17) The excellence of result has reference to perfection and imperfection, the mature being more perfect than the immature. Now, maturity is altogether due to the heat of fire. Hence fire holds the highest place among active elements. (18) Among the passive elements, the first place belongs to that which is most passive, i.e., which is most quickly and easily influenced. In a compound, earth is first passively affected, then air. (19) Similarly, in every compound, the perfecting element acts last; for perfection is a transition from immaturity to maturity. (20) Maturity being caused by heat, cold is the cause of immaturity. (21) It is clear, then, that the elements, or remote first principles of animals, vegetables, and minerals, in Chaos, are susceptible of active movements in fire and water, and of passive movements in earth and air. Water acts on earth, and transmutes it into its own nature; fire heats air, and also changes it into its own likeness. (22) The active elements may be called male, while the passive elements represent the female principle. (23) Any compound belonging to any of these three kingdoms - animal, vegetable, mineral - is female in so far as it is earth and air, and male in so far as it is fire and water. (24) Only that which has consistency is sensuously perceptible. Elementary fire and air, being naturally subtle, cannot be seen. (25) Only two elements, water and earth, are visible, and earth is called the hiding-place of fire, water the abode of air. (26) In these two elements we have the broad law of limitation which divides the male from the female. (27) The first matter of vegetables is the water and earth hidden in its seed, these being more water than earth. (28) The first matter of animals is the mixture of the male and female sperm, which embodies more moisture than dryness. (29) The first matter of minerals is a kind of viscous water, mingled with pure and impure earth. (30) Impure earth is combustible sulphur, which hinders all fusion, and superficially matures the water joined to it, as we see in the minor minerals, marcasite, magnesia, antimony, etc. (31) Pure earth is that which so unites the smallest parts of its aforesaid water that they cannot be separated by the fiercest fire, so that either both remain fixed or are volatilized. (32) Of this viscous water and fusible earth, or sulphur, is composed that which is called quicksilver, the first matter of the metals. (33) Metals are nothing but Mercury digested by different degrees of heat. (34) Different modifications of heat cause, in the metallic compound, either maturity or immaturity. (35) The mature is that which has exactly attained all the activities and properties of fire. Such is gold. (36) The immature is that which is dominated by the element of water, and is never acted on by fire. Such are lead, tin, copper, iron, and silver. (37) Only one metal, viz., gold, is absolutely perfect and mature. Hence it is called the perfect male body. (38) The rest are immature and, therefore, imperfect. (39) The limit of immaturity is the beginning of maturity; for the end of the first is the beginning of the last. (40) Silver is less bounded by aqueous immaturity than the rest of the metals, though it may indeed be regarded as to a certain extent impure, still its water is already covered with the congealing vesture of its earth, and it thus tends to perfection. (41) This condition is the reason why silver is everywhere called by the Sages the perfect female body. (42) All other metals differ only in the degree of their imperfection, according as they are more or less bounded by the said immaturity; nevertheless, all have a certain tendency towards perfection, though they lack the aforesaid congealing vesture of their earth. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |