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//-->Debugger WindowsDebug.ThreadsDebug.ImmediateDebug.LocalsDebug.CallStackDebug.AutosDebug.BreakpointsDebug.DisassemblyDebug.ModulesDebug.ProcessesCTRL + ALT + HCTRL + ALT + ICTRL + ALT + V, LorALT + 4CTRL + ALT + CorALT + 7CTRL + ALT + V, ACTRL + ALT + BorALT + F9ALT + 8CTRL + ALT + UCTRL + ALT + ZorCTRL + SHIFT + ALT+PCTRL + ALT + M, 1CTRL + ALT + W, 1orALT + 3Displays theThread Listwindow.Displays theImmediatewindow.Displays theLocalswindow.Displays theCall Stackwindow.Displays theAutoswindow.Displays the list of breakpoints.Shows the disassembly code.Displays the list of modules.Displays the list of debuggedprocesses.Displays theMemorywindow.Displays the list of watches.Debug.LocalsTools.LogCommandWindowOutputDebug.SetRadixView.WebBrowserlocalslog [<filename>][/off]n [hex|dec]nav <url> [/new][/ext]nf [<filename>]of <file>[/e:<editor>]op [<projname>]pprqrrtcshell [dir:<dir>]<path> [<args>]tthreadsuwatch|~~*kDisplays theLocalswindow.Starts logging all input and outputfrom theCommandwindow./offstops logging.Sets or returns the numeric base usedto display integers.Displays the internal Web browser./newwill create a new tab./extwillopen the external browser.Creates a new file with the specifiedname.Opens an existing file and allowsspecifying of the editor type.Opens an existing project.Executes next statement withoutfollowing execution into method calls.Executes the remaining statements ofthe currently debugged function.Stops debugging.Prints the register values.Runs the application until it reachesthe statement under the cursor.Launches an application with thespecified arguments.Executes next statement and followsexecution into method calls.Displays theThreadswindow.Lists the disassembly for the nextstatements.Displays theWatchwindow.Lists the debugged processes to theCommandwindow.Lists the threads in the debuggedprocess to theCommandwindow.Prints the call stack for all threads inthe debugged process.File.NewFileFile.OpenFileFile.OpenProjectDebug.StepOverDebug.StepOutDebug.Stop-DebuggingDebug.ListRegistersDebug.RunToCursorTools.ShellDebug.StepIntoDebug.ThreadsDebug.List-DisassemblyDebug.WatchDebug.List-ProcessesDebug.ListThreadsDebug.ListCallStack/AllThreadsDebug.Memory1Debug.WatchCommand AliasesThese commands can be run in the Command window(CTRL+SHIFT+A) as well as in the Command line (CTRL+/).Debug.PrintDebug.QuickWatchDebug.AutosDebug.BreakpointsDebug.Toggle-BreakpointDebug.CallStackDebug.ListMemoryDebug.ListMemory/Format:OneByteDebug.ListMemory/Format:FourBytesDebug.DisassemblyDebug.EvaluateStatementDebug.StartTools.Immediate-Mode© 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, IntelliSense, MSDN, Visual C++,Visual Studio, and the Visual Studio logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.? <expression>?? <expression>autosblbpcallstackd [/Count:<n>]<address>db <address>dd <address>disasmeval <statement>g [<address>]immedk [Thread:<n>][<frame>]Evaluates expression and prints theresult to theCommandwindow.Evaluates expression in theQuickWatchwindow.Displays theAutoswindow.Displays theBreakpointswindow.Toggles breakpoint on current line.Displays theCall Stackwindow.Lists the content of the memory at thespecified address (list only n elements).Lists the content of the memory as anarray of bytes.Lists the content of the memory as anarray of longs.Switches to disassembly mode.Evaluates and displays the givenstatement.Starts debugger. Optionally suspendsexecution at the provided address.Displays theImmediatewindow.Prints the call stack or sets thread’scurrent frame to the specified frame.Notes: These key bindings are only available through theVisual C++Development Settings.To change these settings, go toTools | Importand Export Settingsand selectReset All Settingsthen selectVisualC++ Development Settings.You could also import only the keybindings by selectingImport Selected Environment SettingsinsteadofReset All Settings.To customize the key bindings for thesecommands, go toTools | Options | Environment | Keyboard.More information on the available command aliases and theirparameters is available on MSDN®:http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c785s0kz.aspxDebug.ListCallStackMicrosoft Visual C++Default Key Bindings®®EditingEdit.FindEdit.ReplaceEdit.FindInFilesCTRL + FCTRL + HCTRL + SHIFT + FDisplays theQuick Findtab of theFind and Replacedialog box.Displays theQuick Replacetab of theFind and Replacedialog box.Allows searching of all the files in aproject or solution for a specific wordor expression.Allows search and replacefunctionality over all the files in aproject or solution.Performs a search as you type.Sets the focus in theFindbox on thetoolbar.Lowercases the selected text.Uppercases the selected text.FileFile.NewProjectFile.OpenFileFile.OpenProjectProject.AddNew-ItemProject.Add-ExistingItemFile.Open-ContainingFolderCTRL + SHIFT + NCTRL + OCTRL + SHIFT + OCTRL + SHIFT + ASHIFT + ALT + A<unassigned>Creates a new project.Opens an existing file.Opens an existing project.Adds a new item to the project.Adds an existing item to the project.Opens the folder containing the filein the editor.NavigationEdit.NavigateToCTRL + COMMA (,)Displays theNavigateTowindow,which allows quick navigation to files,types, and members. The dialog ispopulated with the symbol at thecursor location.CTRL + ]ALT + F12CTRL + F8F8orF4SHIFT + F8orSHIFT + F4<unassigned>F12CTRL + \, DorCTRL + SHIFT + VCTRL + F12<unassigned>CTRL + HYPHEN (-)CTRL + SHIFT +HYPHEN (-)CTRL + /Moves the cursor location to thematching brace in the source file.Displays theFind Symbolpane of theFind and Replacedialog box.Sets the focus to the navigation bar.Navigates to the next find result.Navigates back to the previous result.Synchronizes the class view with theeditor.Goes to definition.Brings up a window that is constantlyupdating with the definition of theselected symbols.Goes to declaration.Searches all references to the currentsymbol.Moves to the previously browsed lineof code.Moves to the next browsed line ofcode.Allows running of commands fromtheFindtext box.(For a list of availableView.CallHierarchyCTRL + ALT + KDisplays theCall Hierarchywindow,which lists the callers and callees to amethod.Closes the current tool window.Displays theProject Propertiesdialog box.Displays theClass Viewwindow.Displays theCommandwindow.(For a list of available commands see“Command Aliases” section.)Window.CloseTool-WindowProject.PropertiesView.ClassViewView.Command-WindowSHIFT + ESCALT + F7CTRL + SHIFT + CCTRL + ALT + AEdit.GoToBraceEdit.FindSymbolWindow.MoveTo-NavigationBarEdit.GoToNext-LocationEdit.ReplaceInFilesCTRL + SHIFT + HEdit.Incremental-SearchEdit.GoToFind-ComboEdit.MakeLowercaseEdit.Make-UppercaseEdit.View-WhiteSpaceEdit.Comment-SelectionEdit.Uncomment-SelectionEdit.HideSelectionEdit.Cycle-ClipboardRingEdit.Copy-ParameterTipEdit.Paste-ParameterTipFile.CopyFullPathEdit.HideSelectionEdit.Toggle-AllOutliningEdit.Toggle-OutliningExpansionEdit.Format-SelectionCTRL + ICTRL + DCTRL + UCTRL + SHIFT + UBuildBuild.BuildSolutionBuild.Rebuild-SolutionBuild.CancelF7orCTRL + SHIFT + BCTRL + ALT + F7CTRL + BREAKBuilds the solution.Rebuilds the solution.Cancels the build process.DebuggingDebug.StartDebug.StartWith-outDebuggingDebug.Stop-DebuggingTools.AttachTo-ProcessDebug.DetachAllDebug.BreakAllDebug.BreakAt-FunctionDebug.Toggle-BreakpointDebug.StepIntoDebug.StepOverDebug.StepOutDebug.RunTo-CursorDebug.QuickWatchF5CTRL + F5SHIFT + F5CTRL + ALT + P<unassigned>CTRL + ALT +BREAKCTRL + BF9F11F10SHIFT + F11CTRL + F10CTRL + ALT + QorSHIFT + F9Launches the application under thedebugger.Launches the application withoutinvoking the debugger.Stops debugging.Displays theAttach to Processdialogbox.Detaches from all processes.Breaks all executing threads.Creates a new function breakpoint.Toggles breakpoint at current line.Executes next statement and followsexecution into method calls.Executes next statement.Executes the remaining statements ofthe currently debugged function.Runs the application until it reachesthe statement under the cursor.DisplaysQuickWatchwindow.Edit.GoToPrev-LocationView.Synchronize-ClassViewEdit.GoToDefinitionView.CodeDefini-tionWindowCTRL + R, CTRL + WUses glyphs to represent the whiteorCTRL + SHIFT + 8spaces in the editor.CTRL + K, CTRL + CComments selected text.CTRL + K, CTRL + UUncomments selected text.CTRL + M, CTRL + HCreates an outline for the selectedtext and collapses it.CTRL + SHIFT + INSCycles through the Clipboard ring.CTRL + SHIFT +ALT + CCTRL + SHIFT +ALT + P<unassigned>CTRL + M,CTRL + HCTRL + M, LCopies to clipboard the list ofparameters.Pastes in the editor the list ofparameters.Copies to clipboard the full path ofthe selected file.Collapses current selection to anoutlining region.Toggles all previously collapsedoutlining regions between collapsedand expanded states.Toggles the currently selectedcollapsed region between thecollapsed and expanded state.Formats the current selectionaccording to the indentation andcode formatting settings specified ontheFormattingpane underTools |Options | Text Editor | C/C++.Creates a column selection instead ofa stream selection.IntelliSenseEdit.CompleteWordCTRL + SPACEBARorALT + RIgHTARROWCTRL + SHIFT +SPACEBARCTRL + JorCTRL + ALT + TCTRL + K, CTRL + ICompletes the current word or showsthe IntelliSense®completion list.Displays the name, return value, andparameters of the function call.Shows only members in theIntelliSense completion list.Displays the complete declaration ofthe identifier under cursor.Edit.GoTo-DeclarationEdit.FindAll-ReferencesView.Navigate-BackwardView.Navigate-ForwardTools.GoTo-CommandLineEdit.ParameterInfoEdit.ListMembersEdit.QuickInfoBookmarksEdit.Toggle-BookmarkEdit.NextBookmarkEdit.Previous-BookmarkEdit.NextBook-markInFolderEdit.PreviousBook-markInFolderView.Bookmark-WindowEdit.ToggleTaskList-ShortcutCTRL + K, CTRL + KToggles a bookmark on theorCTRL + F2current line.CTRL + K, CTRL + NMoves to the next bookmark.orF2CTRL + K, CTRL + PMoves to the previous bookmark.orSHIFT + F2CTRL + SHIFT + K,CTRL + SHIFT + NCTRL + SHIFT + K,CTRL + SHIFT + PMoves to the next bookmark in thecurrent folder.Moves to the previous bookmark inthe current folder.commands see “Command Aliases” below.)Window.ShowEz-MDIFileListCTRL + ALT +DOWN ARROWShows a list of files currently openedin the editor.WindowsView.Solution-ExplorerView.Properties-WindowView.OutputView.ErrorListView.ZoomIn,View.ZoomOutCTRL + ALT + LALT + ENTERCTRL + ALT + OorALT + 2CTRL + \, ECTRL + SHIFT +PERIOD (.)andCTRL + SHIFT +COMMA (,)Displays theSolution Explorerwindow.Displays thePropertieswindow.Displays theOutputwindow.Displays theError Listwindow.Increases or decreases the view sizeof the contents in the editor.CTRL + M, MDebug.SetNext-StatementDebug.ShowNext-StatementDebug.ExceptionsDebug.Toggle-DisassemblyCTRL + SHIFT + F10Sets the current statement to be thenext executed statement.ALT + NUM *CTRL + ALT + ECTRL + F11Shows the next statement.Shows theExceptionsdialog box.Toggles between disassembly andUser Codeview.CTRL + K, ForCTRL + E, FCTRL + K, CTRL + WShows theBookmarkswindow.CTRL + K, CTRL + HToggles Task List shortcut.Edit.<Direction>ExtendColumnSHIFT + ALT +<ARROW KEY> [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |